+375 29 347 49 24 AVTOIDEYA is the official dealer of BMW and MINI in Belarus

Terms of use

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) governs the relationship between the Limited Liability Company “AUTOIDEA”, located at the address: Republic of Belarus, Minsk district, village Tsna,  Yubileinaya str., 4, the owner of the website located at address: revision.by (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”), hereinafter referred to as the “Administration”, on the one hand, and any Internet user who visited the Site, hereinafter referred to as the “User”, who accepted the public offer (offer) to conclude this Agreement, on the other side. 

1.    The user, by checking the box “I accept the terms of the User Agreement and express my consent to the processing of personal data,” is considered to have accepted the offer to conclude this Agreement and gives the Administration the right to collect, process, store, distribute, and provide personal data to third parties. Personal data means: last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, marital status, registration address, telephone number, email address and other data that allows the User to be identified. 

The provisions of this Agreement also apply to technical and other information that is automatically transmitted by the device with which the User visits the Site, including information stored in cookies that were sent to the User’s device, information about the browser and its settings, date and time of access to the Site, addresses of requested pages and User actions on the Site, technical characteristics of the device, IP address and other similar information. 

2.    The Administration collects, processes, stores, distributes, and provides the User’s personal data to third parties for the following purposes: 

  • providing the User with access to the Site; 
  • creating the necessary conditions for free use of all resources of the Site; 
  • notification to the User about the services of the Administration and about goods, works, services sold by third parties; 
  • conclusion, execution, modification and termination of the Agreement; 
  • communication with the User; 
  • posting messages and (or) materials on the Site; 
  • prevention and suppression of violations of the Agreement; 
  • data analysis to improve the quality of services; 
  • compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus; 
  • for other purposes with the consent of the User. 

To achieve the above goals, the Administration may transfer the User’s personal data and entrust their processing to third parties, including on the territory of foreign states, if that state provides an adequate level of protection. 

3.    The user agrees to the collection, processing, storage, distribution, provision of personal data to third parties for the period necessary to achieve the goals specified in paragraph 2 of this Agreement. 

4.    The user has the right: 

  • receive information from the Administration about your rights related to the collection, processing, storage, distribution, and provision of personal data to third parties; 
  • give consent to the collection, processing, storage, distribution, provision of your personal data to third parties; 
  • revoke consent to the collection, processing, storage, distribution, provision of your personal data to third parties; 
  • get acquainted with your personal data, demand changes to them, taking into account the features provided for by legislative acts; 
  • receive information about providing your personal data to third parties; 
  • demand the termination of the collection, processing, storage, distribution, provision of personal data to third parties and (or) their deletion in the absence of grounds for their collection, processing, storage, distribution, provision to third parties, provided for by legislative acts; 
  • demand the cessation of collection, processing, storage, distribution, provision of personal data to third parties and (or) their deletion if they are not necessary for the purposes specified in paragraph 2 of this Agreement; 
  • exercise other rights provided for by law. 

5.    The User is not allowed to post on the Site messages and (or) materials containing information, the distribution of which is prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. 

6.    The User undertakes not to use the Site, in particular, to disseminate the following information: 

  • information constituting state secrets, commercial or other secrets protected by law;
  • information on behalf of organizations that have not undergone state registration (re-registration) in accordance with the established procedure in cases where such registration (re-registration) is mandatory in accordance with the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus, as well as organizations in respect of which there is a decision of an authorized state body that has entered into legal force about their liquidation; 
  • information promoting the consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues, toxic and other intoxicating substances, as well as information about the methods and methods of development, production, use and places of purchase of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their precursors and analogues; 
  • information on methods of manufacturing explosive devices and explosives, as well as items whose destructive effect is based on the use of flammable substances; 
  • information aimed at promoting war, extremist activities or containing calls for such activities, pornography, violence and cruelty, including promoting or encouraging suicide, other information, the dissemination of which could harm the national interests of the Republic of Belarus; 
  • other information, the dissemination of which is limited or prohibited by legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus.

7.    To revoke consent to the collection, processing, storage, distribution, provision of personal data to third parties, as well as to unilaterally terminate this agreement, the User can contact the Administration at info@autoidea.by

8.    The administration has the right to unilaterally make changes to this Agreement at any time. By continuing to visit the Site and use the services of the Administration, the User confirms acceptance of the changes made to the Agreement.